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Sales Training

We don’t just train selling skills. We change selling behaviors.

At Strategic Push, we are dedicated to creating lasting sales performance improvement on your teams. How do we do this? Through behavior change and the power of simplicity. We turn to human dynamics and adult learning science to give sales teams what they need to permanently boost their sales performance. With our sales training, you won’t get a complex framework that makes selling more complicated. Instead, you’ll solve your sales challenges with simple, adaptable tools and straightforward strategies that unlock the hidden power lying untapped within your sales professionals—the power of strong interpersonal relationships and changed selling behaviors.

Customer Relationship Management

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is one of the most important components for sustenance and growth of an organization. With the Advancement of software technologies, significant progress has been made in designing and managing CRM systems.

These efforts envisage facilitating better customer interactions and greater understanding about customers; thus helps an organization build competitive advantages.

This course plans to impart a sound introduction to CRM, a comprehensive understanding of the processes involved, strong understanding of software components in different CRM systems, and practical applications of CRM in different sectors.

Customer Service Intelligence Training

Customer Service Intelligence Training uncovers the secrets and strategies of building a business based on improving and gaining outstanding levels of customer service and satisfaction. The ultimate goal of this course is increased customer loyalty and retention. This requires the integration of different parts of a business, from top management to the sales force. From marketing to operations and human resource..

Employee Motivation

Employee motivation is an intrinsic and internal drive to put forth the necessary effort and action towards work-related activities. In the workplace, we tend to think of staff motivation as the level of effort, energy and enthusiasm that employees bring to their jobs. But this is only half the story. Motivation is the reason people behave in a particular way. Staff motivation, therefore, is really about giving your employees a reason to behave in a certain way at work.

Team Building

At this end of this team building training course your participants will be able to:

  • Appreciate team skills and dynamics
  • Identify and develop personal skills to become a more effective team member
  • Establish effective team processes
  • Improve team communication
  • Demonstrate skills that help you to implement effective changes in the workplace

Leadership and Management

Leadership is a vital part of management. Leaders provide guidance, build morale and push for the necessary actions that make achievements possible.

This training will equip you and your team with:

  • The true measure of a leader’s success
  • How to motivate employees beyond money
  • Leadership in the face of crisis
  • How to widen your sphere of influence
  • Limiting beliefs that every leader has to deal with
  • Common leadership challenges and how to deal with them.Making tough decisions with ease