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Strategy planning and Development

We help prepare your managers and employees with the skills they need to complete their work tasks both efficiently and effectively and help them reach your company's main goals. This training usually first happens when an employee or manager begins to step into the role and often involves both job shadowing of experienced workers and course-related activities. Not only does a strategic training plan focus on improving the quality of work in the present, but it is developed to make your workforce more competitive in the long term.

Strategic development's purpose is to enhance those skills your employees and managers already possess. You might use developmental activities to assist employees who are underperforming in their work based on your findings from performance reviews, or you might use them to teach new skills that changes in the work environment now require. As with strategic training, a strategic development plan has a long-term outlook that will create a strong, prepared workforce who will assist with your company's long-term growth and success.

Through this training we help your organisation achive:

  • A more Competitive Workforce.
  • Improved Company Performance.
  • Better Workforce Collaboration.
  • Higher Employee Morale
  • Reduced Turnover and Absenteeism

Market research

We gather information about target markets and customers: know about them, starting with who they are. We help identify and analyze the needs of the market, the market size and the competition by use of both qualitative techniques such as focus groups, in-depth interviews, and ethnography, as well as quantitative techniques such as customer surveys, and analysis of secondary data.

We empower our customers to analyze factors such as the values that drive individuals in the demographic, how they make their decisions and their purchase power.

In this way our customers get to know more abou:

  • Customer Perception
  • Market Trends
  • Market Projections
  • Competition

Business Development

We help implement processes that develop and implement growth opportunities within and between organizations by creating long-term value for an organization from customers, markets, and relationships.

We help our customers to develop new opportunities that can help their business to grow by cultivating partnerships, new commercial relationships and identifying new markets for their products and services. Our main thrust is adding long-term value to the business - not about quick wins.

We develop ideas, initiatives and plans that will increase revenue and profitability and assist your business expansion in ways you can count on year after year.

In this way our clients will be able to:

  • Get to know where to invest more
  • Analyse their existing and potential customers
  • Stregthen their coporate culture.
  • Open doors for new partnerships

Start-up Advisory Services

The Strategic Push team loves working with start-ups. Our value-add comes from our experience and that’s what makes us versatile start-up business generalists. Our principals and our collaborative consultants have a diverse and significant track record working with entrepreneurs.

. We’ve worked with many on a broad range of projects. We’ve seen recurring patterns of success and failure, and, as a result, we’ve become adept at “start-up pattern recognition.” We bring a great deal of insight into every engagement. In addition, we can play an active, hands-on role in our start-up client companies’ success – our work can be structured on a project basis or as a part-time interim operating role. Think of us as your start-up executives for hire. Most importantly, we speak the language of start-up, especially regarding finance and business development.

We have supported many clients in numerous pitch meetings and investor presentations. Our fees make us available to most emerging growth companies as well as angel-funded start-ups. Whether it’s helping entrepreneurs develop the articulation of their value proposition or securing the funding they deserve from angel groups or private investors, we support start-up and emerging growth companies with a variety of services including:

In this way our clients will be able to:

  • Business model canvas
  • Financial forecasting
  • Business development
  • Go-to-market strategies for new products and/or new market sectors
  • Sales & marketing plan development
  • Pitch presentations
  • Capital raise consulting and network connections
  • Interim executive management
  • Advisory board development and recruitment
  • Exit strategy

Experiential Marketing & Sales

No matter what size of company you are responsible for, you need both an effective marketing plan and an effective sales plan Strategic Push team will help you focus on the 3 Key Rules for Growth

1. Don’t lose the customers you have and grow the ones that are most profitable.

2. Win over competitors’ customers where possible.

3. Develop new markets and new customers.

Let us help you find, develop, keep and grow your best customers in the following ways:

  • Development of Marketing and Sales Plans that are tailored to your company’s current situation and its vision for growth.
  • Sales & Operations planning to ensure alignment of forecasts with production capabilities.
  • Voice-of-the-Customer interviews and research analysis to develop actionable insights.
  • Organization structure assessments and recommendations.
  • Chief Marketing Officer's for hire engagements
  • CRM (customer relationship management) implementation.